Research ▸ Projects
Individual projects
- Projects - Mechanistic Interpretability
- Projects - Towards Improving Reasoning Capability of LLMs
- Projects - Reasoning and Probing for Vision-Language Models
Mechanistic Interpretability
Mechanistic Interpretability. We are dedicated to simplifying the complex inference of language models into a sequence of simpler processes. For instance, in the work shown in the figure, we break down the In-context Learning process of language models into three straightforward steps with careful measurements, and use such a decompose to explain many observed phenomena. This approach falls under mechanistic interpretability, offering a transparent, step-by-step understanding of how neural networks perform tasks. While this type of decomposition may not always yield precise models, as the saying goes, "all models are wrong, but some are useful." Rather than pursuing traditional machine learning theory's theoretical elegance and precision, we prioritize empirical practicality to guide better practice.
Our Efforts: Cho et al. ICLR 2025(shown in the figure), Cho et al. COLING 2025
Application: Improve the In-context Learning Performance. If we input a text-label paired prompt and leave the final label blank (as shown in the figure), the language model will predict the missing label using its causal language modeling operation. This allows us to prompt the language model to learn from the few-shot text-label pairs and generate a response to the question, which is called In-context Learning. As previously mentioned, we also focus on analyzing and improving the in-context learning capabilities of language models. For example, in the work shown in the figure, we examine the decision boundaries in in-context learning and refine them to boost both accuracy and stability. We believe our work can significantly enhance the practical utility of language models in downstream tasks.
Our Efforts: Cho et al. NAACL 2025(shown in the figure, Japanese), Cho et al. 2024
Towards Improving Reasoning Capability of LLMs
Benchmarking Multi-hop QA in Japanese. JEMHopQA is a multi-hop QA dataset in Japanese for the development of explainable QA systems, consisting of question-answer pairs with two types of questions, and derivation triples of supporting evidence. It is created based on Japanese Wikipedia using both crowd-sourced human annotation as well as prompting a large language model (LLM). Evaluating several state-of-the-art LLMs on proposed dataset show that the dataset is sufficiently challenging.
Our Efforts: Ai Ishii et al. LREC-COLING 2024
Datasets for Logical Fallacy Detection. This paper introduces four sets of templates for common informal logical fallacies. Using proposed templates, an annotation study is conducted on top of 400 fallacious arguments taken from LOGIC dataset and achieves a high agreement score and reasonable coverage. Extensive experiments are conducted for detecting the structure of fallacies and discover that state-of-the-art language models struggle with detecting fallacy templates.
Our Efforts: Irfan Robbani et al. EMNLP 2024
Reasoning and Probing for Vision-Language Models
Benchmark for Inductive Visual Reasoning. We introduce Find-the-Common (FTC) benchmark, which consists of 353 instances, each of which provides (i) four 3D scenes consisting of 2-6 objects and (ii) four multiple choices, including a decoy choice that is partially true in scenes. Models are required to identify an answer that explains the common attributes across visual scenes. We propose Image-Based Reasoning, Text-Based Reasoning, and Image-Text-Based Reasoning for evaluating various VL models. Extensive experiments show that even state-of-the-art models like GPT-4V struggle on FTC, showing FTC as a new challenge for visual reasoning.
Our Efforts: Yuting Shi et al. LREC-COLING 2024
- 井之上 直也 (PI). 人々が頼りたくなる自己批判的思考力を備えた言語処理機構. JST 2023年度 創発的研究支援事業, 2024/10-2028/03.
- 井之上 直也 (PI). 自己認識的に推論ができる信頼性の高いAIの研究. 中島国際交流財団 日本人独立研究者始動助成金, 2024/04-2027/03, 5,000,000JPY.
- Naoya Inoue (PI). Developing Flexible Inference Mechanism by Embedding Causality Knowledge into Continuous Space (事象間関係知識の連続空間への埋め込みによる柔軟な推論機構の開発). Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI 若手研究). 2019/4-2020/3, 2022/6/1-2024/3, 4,160,000JPY. 19K20332
- Kentaro Inui, Chihiro Nakagawa, and Naoya Inoue. Deep Modeling of Argumentation and its Application to Argumentative Feedback System (深い論述理解の計算モデリングと論述学習支援への応用). Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI 基盤A). Co-investigator. 22H00524. 2022/4-2027/3. 22H00524
- Hiroki Ouchi. 文章中の人物の移動軌跡を実世界の地図上に接地するための基礎研究とその応用. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI 基盤B). 研究協力者. 2022/4-2025/3. 13,910,000JPY. 22H03648
Past grants can be found here.
Main collaborators
- Tohoku NLP Lab
- RIKEN AIP: Natural Language Understanding Team, Language Information Access Technology Team